Saturday, July 25, 2009

Readings for Week 5

The chapters we read this week were ok... I'm actually starting to find reading from the text very boring. I'd much rather have the discussion on the topic in class and then go out and look at the thing again with new eyes.

That has been the really interesting thing for me in class so far. I mean, I love reading and I love the classics- but I hated 90% of what I read in High School English. I felt like I was forced to read and forced to understand the way the teachers wanted me to. Then came The Old Man and the Sea. What an absolute treasure! It was so short that the teacher hardly had us do anything with it at all- and I loved it! I must have read it 3 times in that week! I found all sorts of insights and personal application because no one was forcing me to see it a certain way.

This is how I tie my personal expiriences into my rant on art elitism last week... I need "professionals" to stop telling me what art is and how to look at it! Let me grow! Let me find my own meaning in life! Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Amen. The Old Man and the Sea was by far the best and less pointless book that I read in high school. Also the text is very very dry. I'd rather come to class too and just discuss it and review it later. Also Google is good.
