Saturday, July 18, 2009

Class for Week 4

Class this week was ok. It seemed a little rushed because we're preparing for a test, but by the same token it's understandable. I'm still waiting to get the study guide because I have no idea what I need to know for the test. It seems like the past 4 weeks have flown by and I'm realizing that much of what I thought was only presented in passing will actually be important for me to retain. This is the source of my confusion and upset stomach.

It seems like what I still enjoy most about the class is learning about the symbolism in art. I love learning about the mythology and its tokens in art, and of the early Christian works even more. I love learning about anchors as early crosses and laurel trees pertaining to Apollo. Discussing them in class and being trained in skill more than content is what I am truly liking about this class.


  1. I agree that class was rushed and I'm scared for the test! I wish that we had the chance to talk more about art, because it's one of my loves! I love the symbolism is art too! After learning all about them it is cool to be able to pick them out when looking at a painting!

  2. i am so not ready for the test either but i think we know the stuff and should be confident. we have definitely learned a lot in the past couple weeks and more is to come. Think about the final if you really want to stress.
