Saturday, July 4, 2009

Class for Week 2

Class this week was good; I thought we had some very interesting discussions. I'm still a little confused about the definitions of "Beauty" and "Art." I still feel that these terms are indefinable. Based on personal experience, knowledge, culture, upbringing, personality, taste, prior experience, and many other factors, one thing could fall anywhere on the scale between Beautiful and Ugly for an innumerable host of individuals. For example: My wife and I are in a current disagreement about babies. I think that skinny babies are just adorable, and my wife prefers the little chubby-chunkers. Now what God-fearing person, with all their degrees, letters, and study in the field of "Beauty" would dare to make the final decision on which babies are beautiful and which are not. What is ugly to one person will inevitably be beautiful to another, and vice-versa.

As far as Art Critics are concerned, I will still never let anyone tell me what to think. I refuse to be told what art is. In my mind, if they have to tell you that it's art, it probably isn't. I have no problem with a critic writing, "Hey, I really like this piece. Here's the historical background. I think it means this because of this and that. This is why I appreciate it. Go check it out!" But instead, we get critics and scholars arguing over the definitions and meanings nigh unto bloodshed. Yet that's what makes it funny: They could never, if they had all of eternity, define beauty or art. Nor could they ever capture all the meaning that once piece could convey. Times change, as do individual interpretation. And that is the keystone of art: What it means to you.

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