Saturday, July 4, 2009

Reading for Week 2

I found the reading for this week to be... well, let's take them one at a time. I just finished reading From Bauhaus to Our House. That was a tough read. In fact, I'll probably have to re-read it because it couldn't hold my attention past the first few chapters and I just ended up skimming. Even by the end I had no idea what the author's intent in writing was. His voice and tone were sarcastic and satiric, but because I had no background on the subject, I found myself having to sit and think about why every joke he told was funny. My favorite part of the book was reading about that Stone fellow because he fell in love, got a vision, and began breaking norms. We was hated and ridiculed by his fellows, but I don't think he cared.

The chapters in the book were alright, but I got the biggest kick out of Appendix 2. That was a fun read! I found all of the symbols highly interesting. It was actually funny because I saw a painting this week titled "Agape" (Greek for "God's Love") that was riddled with symbolism. I felt like such a champ explaining the color and number symbolism to my wife. "You see, Dear, the 10 stars symbolize the perfection of man..." "Oh Sweetheart! You are SO knowledgeable!" Yeah. It was pretty awesome.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really struggling with the From Bauhaus to Our House as well. I don't get any of the humor as well. I'm glad I'm not alone! I really enjoyed all those symbols as well. Funny how a little knowledge of symbols can change your whole perspective on art.
