Saturday, August 8, 2009

Readings for Week 7

All my reading this week has been of my notes to brush up in preparation for the final. I'm a more than a little nervous about taking it. I guess what I really mean is that I have a serious financial investment with all the cultural events I've attended this semester and I REALLY don't want to have to re-take the class. Oh! In case this needs to be broken down for you Sister Stokes...

My Cultural Events-

1 - Dance Event: Week 6 - Pioneer Dance Festival
1 - Theatrical Event: Week 7 - Thrillionaires
1 - Live Music Event: Week 5 - Idaho Country Singers
1 - Art Show or Exhibition: Week 1 - Walter Wick
1 - Film Screening: Week 4 - Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
1 - Community Centered Event: Week 8 - Farmer's Market
1 - Your Choice: Week 2 - Fijiian Wedding
1 - Extra Credit: Week 3 - Temple Square Art Gallery

That should make it really easy for you! I did all of them, including the Extra Credit one, and did 5 comments EVERY WEEK! Score!

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