Saturday, August 1, 2009

Class for Week 6

Class this week has been a great improvement over last week. I loved listening to music and watching video clips as opposed to straight lecture.

The end of the semester is so close I can almost taste it... I'll have to work extra hard to maintain focus in class. You have no idea how hard I'm working right now to keep typing. It's depressing, what once would have excited me, a Dada rant, now serves only to bore me as I continue on.

Wow. I'm actually sad about it! Maybe I'll get to rant in my final paper...


  1. no ranting in papers unless you have something really good to back it up.

  2. No ranting on papers??? Yeah, the semester is almost over. I agree, this week was way interesting. Talking about movies and music was the way to go!!

  3. But I think that the last part of the semester has gotten more interesting. I have enjoyed learning about music and especially film.
